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Showing posts from August, 2015

AEROSPACE: The Last Payload Limited Offer FREE on KINDLE Check t out limited offer on KINDLE until September 1, 2015. If you enjoyed AEROSPACE:  The Last Payload  try the sequel AEROSPACE: The King's Payload .  Learn more about the Aerospace Industry.  This will take you through Astronaut Training.  This book has peril in every corner.  It will take you to Johnson Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, Sweden and The Bahamas.  I am writing the trilogy AEROSPACE:  The Rebirth Payload about having a baby in Space.  This is a  challenge for an adult to be in this dangerous environment much less a baby.  Dalton Masters has to create a formula to keep Susan and their baby Hollo safe from the solar and cosmic rays. But can Susan and Dalton keep the baby safe from the villains who are trying to still the MECS formula?  What will happen to the baby and Hollo's parents?  How do you get pregnant in Space in zero-gravity? ...

AEROSPACE: The Last Payload Kindle Countdown Deal FREE - Limited Offer August 25 - September 1

      AEROSPACE:  The Last Payload  is scheduled FREE on Kindle from August 25, 2015 until September 1, 2015. The only condition is to put a positive review on Amazon.  The AEROSPACE:  The King's Payload is an exciting sequel about curing prostate cancer.  Does the King live?  What happens to Susan?  I am writing the trilogy AEROSPACE:  The Rebirth Payload.  Having a baby on the International Space Station.  What are the problems?  Solar Rays?  Cosmic Rays?  How do you resolve the problems? Macro Encapsulation System? How does this work?